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Startups, as well as later stage companies going through an IPO, all have at least one thing in common – they need help with taxes.  We’re there for you.


Prior to Marpé, there really was not a good solution for tax support for early stage startups. Corporation tax can get very complicated very quickly.  Going to a low-end provider really is not a good alternative for VC-backed startup companies.  But larger CPA firms are very expensive – and often they give poor service to startups because startups are not a priority for them.  We bring the sophistication and expert knowledge needed, and we deliver it at prices designed specifically for startups and early stage companies.

Steve Walker is the leader of the tax practice.  Steve has a law degree (juris doctor) from the University of California, Davis.  He is in the process of adding to that a Master’s in Professional Accountancy from the University of South Dakota, as well as the Enrolled Agent designation from the IRS.  Steve is one of the smartest, sharpest, most helpful persons you will ever meet.

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